Nazi-Museum in Cologne

Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism – 20th January 2024 in Cologne

The International Office, in cooperation with the International Students Team (I.S.T), invites you to visit the NS Documentation Center in Cologne for a guided tour.

The visit to the Cologne NS Documentation Center takes you back to the dark times of the Nazi reign of terror in Germany.

It is located in the heart of Cologne, not far from the city’s landmark, Cologne Cathedral. In the so-called EL-DE House, the headquarter of the Secret State Police, Gestapo, for the administrative district of Cologne since 1935, it now houses a museum with a large area for permanent and special exhibitions, a memorial and other documentation and research areas.

The permanent exhibition in the EL-DE House deals with the history of Cologne during the National Socialist era. It makes the main features of the Nazi system visible in its specific local form.

The “Gestapo Prison” memorial in the basement of the building is one of the best-preserved places of detention from the Nazi era. More than 1,800 inscriptions on the walls bear witness to persecution, torture and murder.

The prisoners’ cells and inscriptions are the most direct and vivid reminders of the horrors of the Nazi era associated with the EL-DE House.

Further information:

Information in more languages available on the website.


Organizational information

Registration by January 15, 2024 at the latest at Student Service Center (SSC) at the main entrance Campus Grifflenberg, Building G, Room G.08.16 and the International Round Table on Thursdays.

Monday 09.00 – 12.00

Tuesday 10.00 – 12.00

Thursday 09.00 – 12.00 and 14.00 – 16.00

Price: 3€ per person

There is no accident liability insurance of the University of Wuppertal for this activity.



Photo: Jean Carlo Emer on