Hallo! Salut! Hej! Hello! ¡Hola!
We are the International Students Team of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal! From our own experience we know how many questions you might have and also, that spending a semester abroad will be a marvelous experience. To make this possible, we will support you on this journey! We will organize events for you to get to know fellow international as well as local students, show you around the university, Wuppertal and the surroundings and are your go-to persons in case of questions or worries!
For starters, you will find most information on this website already. If any questions remain unanswered or you simply would like to get to know us, drop us a message! Either via the contact form at the bottom of the page, via Facebook or via Instagram.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Wuppertal!
Wir sind das International Students Team der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal! Aus eigener Erfahrung wissen wir, wie viele Fragen ihr am Anfang habt und wie genial ein Auslandssemester werden kann. Daher sind wir für euch da, damit euer Semester in Wuppertal eine mindestens ebenso geniale Erfahrung wird! Wir organisieren Events für euch, zeigen euch die Uni und Wuppertal und sind Ansprechpartner bei Fragen und Sorgen!
Einige Informationen findet ihr bereits auf dieser Webseite. Wenn ihr darüber hinaus Fragen habt, schreibt uns gerne. Entweder über das Kontaktformular, per Facebook oder Instagram.
Wir freuen uns, euch in Wuppertal zu begrüßen!

The University
.. has 23.000 students enrolled in over 112 different courses. With over 2000 international students, you are in good company!
As the main campus is situated on a small hill, you will certainly train your legs, but will be rewarded with a unique view over the city of Wuppertal. Fortunately, at the end of the day you can meet your friends at the university's very own "Kneipe" and enjoy a beer or two with them. Or participate in one of the many sport activities which are offered for students! Several modern and well equipped student residences are located directly next door to the university. You will have the chance to meet many fellow international and local students there, so just knock next door and make friends with people from all over the world.
Wuppertal <3
.. is home to roughly 350.000 people and situated in a valley ("Tal" in German). Giving it its name, the Wupper is a small river going through the broadly spread city. Famously for Wuppertal, the Schwebebahn (a suspension railway) goes directly above the Wupper for many kilometers, thus making it a very fast means of transportation. If you want to go a bit further (say to Düsseldorf, Cologne or even the Netherlands), you can easily take a train from the central station. By the way, public transport in all of the state (Northrhine-Westphalia) is free for university students! Though you will not have to go far to spend your free time. Besides many parks, museums and great bars, pubs and clubs, Wuppertal is surrounded by nature so you can make an easy escape from everyday life whenever you feel like.