Filmmuseum Düsseldorf

Hi guys,

We are organising a trip to The Filmmuseum Düsseldorf! ?
Date: 20.11.2021
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Where do we meet: Wuppertal HBF (in front of the main station)

This is an interactive museum where you get access to the world of film making, ranging from its earliest beginnings to the modern day movie production.
Get first hand impression of the works of renowned directors like Charles Chaplin, Federico Fellini, Alfred Hitchcock or Sergej Eisenstein. In addition, an important trick technique can be tried out with the Blue Box, in which the visitor becomes invisible. Paintings and sketches by different directors such as Wim Wenders, Akira Kurosawa, Andrzej Wajda or Viking Eggeling show how much art and film influence each other.
After the museum we will get some food and drinks at the Düsseldorfer Altstadt. ?

Please register via this page (link).

Admission is 2,50 EUR for students so do bring your student ID and your semester ticket.

Link to the Facebook event:



(Photo by John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash)

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